Anti Air / Dragon Bases TH10 with Links - Defence Layouts 2024 - COC Clash of Clans
The Town Hall upgrade till the 10th level costs 4,000,000 gold coins and will take 14 days. From the visual aspect the Town Hall changes its colour to the vinous and dark-grey, the roof tower acquires another little tower on it, underneath the towers there are lava streams and eruptions, outlet to the roof becomes more rounded and can be closed with gratings.
On this level you’ll get another 8 additional new buildings: Gold Storage. Elixir Storage, Dark Elixir Drill, Cannon, Archer Tower, X-bow and Inferno Tower.
The number of wall units remains unchangeable, but there are several additional traps: Giant Bomb, Air Bomb and Seeking Air Mine.
Choose the order for the plan sorting according to the Date, Views or Rating, don’t forget to evaluate the bases. That will help the other users to make a choice.