
Best TH7 Funny Troll Bases with Links for COC Clash of Clans 2025 - Copy Town Hall Level 7 Art Bases

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Town Hall level 7

The Town Hall upgrade till the 7th level costs 1,200,000 gold coins and will take 6 days. Visually the Town Hall of this level acquires the tower on the top of the roof, comparing with the Town Hall of the 6th level.

This is one of the most interesting upgrades in this game as you get another 12 constructions available as well as a hero – the Barbarian King. Such constructions become available: Dark Elixir Drill, Dark Elixir Storage, Dark Barracks, Barracks, Army Camp, 2 Cannons, Archer Tower, Mortar, Air Defence and 2 Hidden Tesla. As for the traps, you’ll have Seeking Air Mine, that does an enormous damage to the air objects. Also you’ll have the possibility to build 50 additional Wall units.

On this level you can fight for the first time with Dragons, Minions and Hog riders!

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